Google on Thursday rolled out an emergency update for its Chrome web browser, including fixes…
Data Breaches
What did your kids get up to under lockdown? Were they in their bedrooms doing…
Cyber SecurityData Breacheshacking
Ransomware Group FIN12 Aggressively Going After Healthcare Targets
by adminAn “aggressive” financially motivated threat actor has been identified as linked to a string of…
CyberData BreachesEmail Security Service
Is There Any Legal Remedy From Ransomware With Cyber Insurance?
by adminCybercrimes have become a major industry. Ransomware has taken so much of the world hostage…
In a recent report, S&P Global Ratings says the demand for cyber coverage has increased…
FamousSparrow APT Wings in to Spy on Hotels, Governments Author: Tara Seals September 23, 2021…
T-Mobile confirmed that unauthorized access to its IT systems had occurred, however, the company said…
London-based education publisher Pearson agreed to pay $1 million to settle charges that it misled…
no_image_card.png Google Warns of Exploited Zero-Days in Chrome Browser
Thousands of Fortinet VPN Account Credentials Leaked